Part 1: Concealers

The little engine that could!
Just like the little blue engine in the story…This tiny little container of magic continues to be underestimated, even in today’s World of Beauty…
It is so powerful… Ready to perform in such unexpected ways… so versatile… Capable of multitasking and creating perfection…

A great reminder that size does not always matter! These little gems pack a big punch. They may give the classic “lipstick“ a run for it’s money, possibly being the most transforming cosmetic ever created!
There is no woman--or girl for that matter--that does not benefit from owning and using a concealer.
Sometimes using two is even better than relying on just one.
Oh Concealer…How I love thee…Let me count the ways…🌷

- Blemish cover up
- Dark and discolored under eye brightening
- Age-spot and freckle cover up
- Lightening lines and folds that create dark shadows and cause an aged appearance
- Cover dark, allergy afflicted under eyes
- Used conservatively in place of foundation for more natural results
- Rosacea and birthmark cover-up
- Brightening and evening out upper eyelid color (alone or pre-eyeshadow application)
- Basing lips in pre-lipstick application (for color control)
- Application to lip border to prevent feathering of lip pencil and lipstick
- Masking of scars and bruising
- Highlighting of eyebrow border for crisp definition
- Covering redness and irritation post face and brow hair removal
- Correcting asymmetry in lip shape before and after lipstick application
- Used to correct dark pockets in under eyes that are referred to as “bags“
- Covering flaws in the décolleté areas and upper back
- Used to clean up around eyes after eye make up is applied
- Efficiently refresh and repair under eye darkness and complexion mid day or pre-evening out
Quite impressive for one little concealer!!!🥳
But hold your horses…
That’s the good news. There is much work to be done before you can achieve those glorious results!!! It’s time for some education and a bit of homework📚
To begin with…
The good news is there’s a plethora of product out there to choose from😁
and......The bad news is there’s a plethora of product out there to choose from😩
So confusing!
Here’s what you’ll need to know…

What are the types of concealers that are available?
- Liquid in squeeze or wand applicator form
- Stick
- Cream in pot form
- Pencil
- Custom blend
- Brush tipped pens
How do I apply concealer? Fingertips, brush, something else?
- The best and most controlled approach is using a synthetic hair camouflage brush.
- Both brush and fingertips on blemishes and flaws; sponges are not recommended
How do I choose the right color?
- Trends encourage going much lighter then complexion color in the under eye area… Not recommended for the most natural and effective results. 1 to 2 shades lighter is sufficient.

Complexion flaws go one shade lighter... the necessary powdering that will follow will darken the area again
Will my complexion need a different color and formula of concealer than my under eyes?
- Sometimes. This is where the assistance of a professional can be a deal changer. Color and type of flaw needs to be considered.
In what order do I use my concealers when applying other makeup to the same area?
- Use foundations first.
- Follow with appropriate concealers.
- Finish with powder If necessary.
Does my skin type affect what concealer I can use?
- Yes.
- The eye area having no oil glands generally benefits from a more moist concealer.
- The complexion, if oily and blemished, responds best to more matte finish concealing…
- Dry Skin, a moist concealer is correct.
- Pencil concealers--ours being double ended-- multitask for blemish covering, highlighting under eyes, and masking flaws of the complexion.
Concealers, I believe, hold some of the greatest value of all the cosmetics we will use throughout our lifetime.
But truth be told…They are quite challenging to select based on color, application techniques, ingredients, and finishes they create.

What are your options when you’re ready to get out there and are anxious to find the products that are perfect for you?
Some of the less than perfect scenarios…
Drug stores and cosmetic supermarkets with scattered products throughout, often no ability to test products, and the likelihood that you will not have an educated makeup artist to assist you.
Department stores are in a similar position. Separation of brands throughout with inability to look at multiple products in an efficient and practical manner.
Although we love following our favorite YouTube beauty experts with their makeup tutorials, and hearing about what products and brands are trending right now-- it doesn’t get us one drop closer to understanding what the products are.
They tell us what their personal favorites are… but are not able to help us decipher our complexion color, skin type , or direct us to the products that are correct for our personal challenges.
I can tell you the problem is as basic as it gets.
Women deserve personal attention to acquire the products that are perfect for them… Rather than being drawn in by creative marketing that makes one product appear appropriate for all.
Best case scenario…
An environment like JULES. We carry six different types of concealers, including custom blended concealer. We work with you and on you testing until we get it right.

Housing many companies' products in one space is the deal changer. We are looking at every concealer all at once and personally guiding you to the perfect decisions on your products.
Giving you the tools you need and teaching you application at the same time is invaluable.

We can even assist you virtually; and our online store is available for all of your
skin care, and cosmetic needs.
Please Contact us at JULES: for advice, support, and reserving time for your personal person, or virtually!